Method: DrawToSize - Syntax 1

Returns the horizontal width and vertical height of a rotated barcode symbol in logical dots or pixels. The barcode symbol is specified in the properties of this barcode component.


function DrawToSize(var TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SymbolWidth, SymbolHeight: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; Module: Integer = 0; Height: Integer = 0; Angle: Integer = -1; HDPI: Integer = 0; VDPI: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; virtual;


The method returns the horizontal width and vertical height of the rotated barcode symbol that is specified by properties of this barcode component, in logical dots or pixels.


See diagram:

DrawToSize (Syntax 1)


For Delphi 3, the method overload and default value of parameter aren't supported, so the method name is changed to DrawToSize1, and the parameters Module, Height, Angle, HDPI, and VDPI are required.
