(TBarcode1D_PharmacodeOneTrack, TBarcode1D_PharmacodeTwoTrack)
Specifies the colors of every bars for TBarcode1D_PharmacodeOneTrack and TBarcode1D_PharmacodeTwoTrack components.
{ Defined in the pPharmacodeOneTrack unit }
TPharmacodeColors = array[0..15] of TColor;
property BarColors: TPharmacodeColors;
The PharmacodeOneTrack and PharmacodeTwoTrack barcode symbols can be printed in multiple colors as a check to ensure that the remainder of the packaging is correctly printed. The property is a colors array (defined in the pPharmacodeOneTrack unit). It specifies the colors of every bars. The BarColors[0] specifies the right-most bar for barcode symbol. See diagram: