Specifies whether an EAN128 symbol can be used as the linear component of an EAN.UCC composite symbol.
{ Defined in the pEAN128 unit }
TLink2D = (ldNone, ldCCA, ldCCB, ldCCC);
property Link2D: TLink2D;
The EAN128 barcode symbol can be used together with a 4-column CC-A, a 4-column CC-B, or a CC-C symbol to create the EAN.UCC composite symbol. The property specifies whether the EAN128 symbol can be used as the linear component of an EAN.UCC composite symbol. It can be one of these values (defined in the pEAN128 unit):
Normally the EAN128 symbol, its contiguous separator pattern, and the 2D component are represented at the same time, comprising a single EAN.UCC composite symbol.
If you use the EAN128 component together with the CC-A, CC-B, or CC-C 2D component that is in the 2D Barcode VCL Components package, the property will be set automatically depending on the 2D component.