Property: SplitText
Determines how to split the human readable text of OneCode barcode symbology, base on data fields.
{ Defined in the pOneCode unit }
TOneCodeSplitTextMode = (stmNone, stmMID6SN9, stmMID9SN6);
property SplitText: TOneCodeSplitTextMode ;
The property determines how to split the human readable text of OneCode barcode symbology, base on data fields. It can be one of these values (defined in the pOneCode unit):
- stmNone: Don't insert space characters between all data fields in the human readable text.
- stmMID6SN9: Insert space characters between all data fields in the human readable text, the mailer or customer identifier field is 6 digit number, and the serial or sequence number field is 9 digit number.
- stmMID9SN6: Insert space characters between all data fields in the human readable text, the mailer or customer identifier field is 9 digit number, and the serial or sequence number field is 6 digit number.
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