Method: PrintSize - Syntax 2

Returns the actual horizontal width and vertical height of a rotated barcode symbol in millimeters. The barcode symbol is specified by the parameters of this method.


function PrintSize(var Width, Height, SymbolWidth, SymbolHeight: Double; Barcode: string; ShowQuietZone: Boolean; Module: Double; Angle: Integer = 0; BarcodeWidth: Double = 0; BarcodeHeight: Double = 0; HDPI: Integer = 0; VDPI: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; virtual;


The method returns the actual horizontal width and vertical height of a rotated barcode symbol that is specified by parameters of this method, in millimeters.

For the 2D component TBarcode2D_CCA, TBarcode2D_CCB, or TBarcode2D_CCC. If its Linear property is set to the TBarcode1D_UPCE, TBarcode1D_UPCE0, TBarcode1D_UPCE1, TBarcode1D_UPCA, TBarcode1D_ENA8, TBarcode1D_EAN13, or TBarcode1D_EAN128, and the linear component's DisplayText property isn't set to dtNone, Please use the method between the Printer.BeginDoc and Printer.EndDoc methods.

