Property: StretchOrder


Specifies the priority order of selecing appropriate symbol size for a PDF417 barcode symbol.



{ Defined in the pPDF417 unit }

TPDF417_StretchOrder = (soRowColumn, soColumnRow, soFixAspect, soFixAspectWithQuietZones);

property StretchOrder: TPDF417_StretchOrder;


The minimum number of rows (specified by the MinRows property) and the minimum number of columns (specified by the MinColumns property) indicates the minimum symbol size for a PDF417 barcode symbol. The maximum number of rows (specified by the MaxRows property) and the maximum number of columns (specified by the MaxColumns property) indicates the maximum symbol size for the PDF417 barcode symbol. The property specifies a priority order in order to automatically select the symbol size. According to the priority order, the first symbol size (number of rows and columns) that accommodates the barcode text will be automatically selected between the minimum symbol size and the maximum symbol size.

The property can be one of these values (defined in the pPDF417 unit):

See also the "Symbol size" section in the "TBarcode2D_PDF417" article.
