Method: PrintSize - Syntax 2

Returns the actual horizontal width and vertical height of a rotated barcode symbol in millimeters. The barcode symbol is specified by the parameters of this method.


function PrintSize(var Width, Height, SymbolWidth, SymbolHeight: Single; Barcode: string; ShowQuietZone: Boolean; Module: Single; Angle: Single = 0; BarcodeWidth: Single = 0; BarcodeHeight: Single = 0; HDPI: Integer = 0; VDPI: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; virtual;


The method returns the actual horizontal width and vertical height of a rotated barcode symbol that is specified by parameters of this method, in millimeters.

Please use the method between the Printer.BeginDoc and Printer.EndDoc methods if the HDPI or VDPI parameter is set to 0.


This method can return one of these values (these consts are defined in the pfmxCore2D unit):
