Property: StartCode


Specifies the start code for the Codabar barcode symbol to mark the beginning of the barcode.



{ Defined in the pCodabar unit }


TFrameChars = 'A'..'D';


TFrameChars = string;


property StartCode: TFrameChars;


Specifies the start code for the Codabar barcode symbol to mark the beginning of the barcode. It's valid only for the TBarcode1D_Codabar component. This property can be one of alphabet characters A, B, C, D, and in some specifications, they are named E, N, asterisk, and T. They are defined in the pCodabar unit.

Note: Only one of upper case alphabet characters A, B, C, D is allowed. For Delphi 7 or upper, C++ Builder 2006 or upper, the ERangeError exception will occur if the value of the property is not from "A" to "D" (the exception will be suppress if you close the "Range checking" in project options). For Delphi 6 or lower, C++ Builder 6 or lower, operation will be ignored if you set the property to other character or characters string.
