Occurs if there is any invalid character in the Barcode property value.
{ Defined in the pfmxBarcode2D unit }
TOnInvalidChar = procedure (Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; BarcodeChar: Char; LinearFlag: Boolean) of object;
property OnInvalidChar: TOnInvalidChar;
Sender: TObject; It is the object whose event handler is called.
Index: Integer; The index position of first invalid character in the barcode text that is specified by the Barcode property.
For 32-bit windows, 64-bit windows, and Mac OSX platform, the index 1 denotes that the first character is invalid character. For iOS and Android platform, the index 0 denotes that the first character is invalid character.
If you use the OnEncode event to encode the barcode text in your own encoding scheme, the value Verify_InvalidIndex_BeforeBarcode (-3) denotes that the prefix codes (for example the BOM) is invalid, the value Verify_InvalidIndex_AfterBarcode (-4) denotes that the suffix codes is invalid. These consts are defined in the pfmxCore2D unit.
BarcodeChar: Char; The first invalid character in the barcode text that is specified by the Barcode property. The character is a WideChar.
LinearFlag: Bolean; The parameter is reserved for future use.
If the Locked property is set to false, the event occurs when any component property is changed to cause the barcode is redrew, or when the Draw, Clear, Size, DrawTo (Syntax 1), DrawToSize (Syntax 1), Print (Syntax 1), or PrintSize (Syntax 1) method is called. Even if the Image property isn't specified.
If the Locked property is set to true, the event occurs when the Locked property is set to false to cause the barcode is redrew, or the Draw, Clear, Size, DrawTo (Syntax 1), DrawToSize (Syntax 1), Print (Syntax 1), or PrintSize (Syntax 1) method is called. Even if the Image property isn't specified.