The Options property is an advanced feature which allows low level control over data encoding for a MicroPDF417 symbol.
{ Defined in the pfmxPDF417Com unit }
TPDF417_Option = (poIgnoreShiftBeforeECI, poFirst903TextAlphaLatch, poFirst904TextMixedLatch, po906TextAlphaLatch, po907TextAlphaLatch, po908TextAlphaLatch, po910TextAlphaLatch, po912TextAlphaLatch, po914TextAlphaLatch, po915TextAlphaLatch, poFirstFNC1MatchAI01, poMicroPDF417Explicit901);
{ Defined in the pfmxPDF417Com unit }
TPDF417_Options = set of TPDF417_Option;
{ Defined in the pfmxMicroPDF417 unit }
TMicroPDF417_Options = TPDF417_Options;
property Options: TMicroPDF417_Options;
For some reader, the encoding algorithm and meanings of some function codewords don't conform with the MicroPDF417 specification. The property can be used to change the encoding algorithm and meanings of these fucntion codewords, in order to match the reader.
The following list describes the values that can be included in the Options property (defined in the pfmxPDF417Com unit):
poIgnoreShiftBeforeECI: An ECI escape sequence may be placed anywhere within Text Compaction mode. Normally, the sub-mode invoked immediately prior to the ECI escape sequence is preserved for the encodation immediately after it. Thus, sub-mode latches and shifts are preserved across an ECI escape sequence; and thus a sub-mode shift immediately before an ECI escape sequence is not ignored. If the value is included in the Options property, the sub-mode shift immediately before an ECI escape sequence is ignored, but a sub-mode latch immediately before an ECI escape sequence is never ignored.
poFirst903TextAlphaLatch: If the function codeword 903 is placed at beginning of barcode text, it represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Mixed sub-mode of Text Compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text Compaction mode.
poFirst904TextMixedLatch: If the function codeword 904 is placed at beginning of barcode text, it represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Numeric Compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Mixed sub-mode of Text Compaction mode.
po906TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 906 represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Mixed sub-mode of Text Compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text Compaction mode.
po907TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 907 represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Numeric Compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text Compaction mode.
po908TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 908 followed by an application indicator (single Latin alphabetic character from the set "a" to "z" and "A" to "Z", or a two-digit number) represents a leading FNC1 character in "Second position" mode. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Mixed sub-mode of Text Compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction mode.
po910TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 910 indicates that the MicroPDF417 symbol's data output shall conform with the Code128 specification. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Mixed sub-mode of Text compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction mode.
po912TextAlphaLatch: Normally, the function codeword 912 represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode and implies a mode latch to Numeric Compaction mode. Also, it encodes that the data begins with a 6-digit date field (Application Identifier is 11, 13, 15, or 17), and this date field may be followed by an implied Application Identifier 10 or 21 as well. The value indicates that it only implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction mode.
po914TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 914 represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode and indicates that the data begins with an implied Application Identifier is 10. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Numeric compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction mode.
If the value isn't included in Options property, the function codeword 914 shall be followed by at least 1 numeric character.
po915TextAlphaLatch: The function codeword 915 represents a leading FNC1 character in First position mode and indicates that the data begins with an implied Application Identifier is 21. Also, it normally implies a mode latch to Numeric compaction mode, the value indicates that it implies a mode latch to Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction mode.
If the value isn't included in Options property, the function codeword 915 shall be followed by at least 1 numeric character.
poFirstFNC1MatchAI01: When the poFirstFNC1MatchAI01 is included in the value of Options property, if the "\f" followed by a SSC-14 number (including Application Identifier 01 and 13-digit data, the checkdigit isn't required) is placed at beginnig of barcode, the function codeword 905 will be selected to encode the FNC1 character in order to reduce the symbol size (the leading Application Identifier 01 is not encoded in the SSC-14 number). Otherwise, the function codeword 905 will be selected to encode the FNC1 character.
poMicroPDF417Explicit901: In the specification of MicroPDF417, the initial compaction mode in effect at the start of each symbol shall always be Byte compaction mode, but some readers use the other compaction mode (e.g. Alpha sub-mode of Text compaction) as the initial compaction mode. The value indicates to explicitly insert a mode latch to Byte compaction mode into beginning of symbol data, in order to work with these reader.
See also the "Character set", "Escape sequences", and "Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI)" sections in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_MicroPDF417" article.