Specifies which style (version) of RSS-14 symbols will be used.
{ Defined in the pfmxRss14 unit }
TRSS14_Style = (rsStandard, rsTruncated, rsStacked, rsStackedOmnidirectional);
property Style: TRSS14_Style;
There are four styles (versions) of RSS-14 symbols, referred to as RSS-14 (Standard), RSS-14 Truncated, RSS-14 Stacked, and RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional respectively. The property specifies which style (version) will be used.
The property can be one of these values (defined in the pfmxRss14 unit):
rsStandard: Indicates to generate the standard style RSS-14 symbol. It encodes the full 14-digit EAN.UCC item identification (Global Trade Item Numbers, GTINs) in a symbol that can be omnidirectionally scanned by suitably configured point-of-sale laser scanners.
rsTruncated: Indicates to generate the RSS-14 Truncated barcode symbol. It is structured and encoded in the same way as the standard RSS-14 format, except its height is reduced to a 13 modules minimum. It may be used for small items, instead of RSS Limited. It may also be used when the four-column 2D component is desired in order to minimize the height of an EAN.UCC Composite symbol.
RSS-14 Truncated is designed to be read by scanners such as wands, handheld lasers, and linear and 2D imagers. It cannot be read efficiently by omnidirectional flat-bed and presentation scanners.
rsStacked: Indicates to generate the RSS-14 Stacked barcode symbol. It is an RSS-14 Truncated two-row format. It may be used for small items instead of RSS Limited when the available space is too narrow for RSS Limited. Moreover, the narrower width of RSS-14 Stacked might allow for a larger module width and potentially higher print quality. However, RSS Limited or RSS-14 Truncated should be used in preference to the stacked format whenever space permits without reducing module width, as they are easier to scan with a wand or linear scanner.
RSS-14 Stacked is designed to be read by scanners such as wands, handheld lasers, and linear and 2D imagers. It cannot be read efficiently by omnidirectional flat-bed and presentation scanners.
rsStackedOmnidirectional: Indicates to generate the RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional barcode symbol. It is a full height RSS-14 two-row format. It can be used instead of RSS-14 for omnidirectional scanning applications where the different aspect ratio is needed.
See also the "Styles" section in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_RSS14" article.