Specifies which style (version) of RSS Expanded symbols will be used.
{ Defined in the pfmxRssExpanded unit }
TRSSExpanded_Style = (rsStandard, rsStacked);
property Style: TRSSExpanded_Style;
There are two styles (versions) of RSS Expanded symbols, referred to as RSS Expanded (Standard) and RSS Expanded Stacked respectively. The property specifies which style (version) of RSS Expanded symbol will be used.
The property can be one of these values (defined in the pfmxRssExpanded unit):
rsStandard: Indicates to generate the standard style RSS Expanded symbol. It is a single row, variable length linear symbology. It can identify small items and carry more information than the current EAN/UPC barcode.
rsStacked: Indicates to generate the RSS Expanded Stacked symbol. It is an RSS Expanded multi-row format. It may be used when the symbol area or print mechanism is not wide enough to accommodate the full single row symbol.
See also the "Styles" section in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_RSSExpanded" article.