
The 2D Barcode FMX Components is a Shareware product. If you find it useful, please purchase the full version of this product. After your purchase you will receive an e-mail with a download link of full version for downloading.

Why should I purchase

After your purchase you can continue to use the 2D Barcode FMX Components and entitles you to the following benefits:

How to purchase

You can purchase the 2D Barcode FMX Components by using following steps:

  1. Please open the "Purchase" web page of our web site http://www.han-soft.com.
  2. In the "Purchase" web page, choose the license type and open the order form web page. Fill in the information on the web page, and choose from the available ordering options that best suits your needs. We accept credit card orders, PayPal orders, orders by phone and fax, checks, purchase orders, and wire transfers.
  3. Once the purchase is completed, the download link of full version and the license key will be sent instantaneously to your email address. If you do not receive your download link and license key within a few minutes, please check your SPAM filter inbox.

When completing the order form, please double-check that your email address is correct. If it is not, you will be unable to receive the download link and the license key.
