Method: Size

Returns the height and width of specified barcode symbol, in pixels, that's represented in the TImage, TQRImage, or TQRGzImage control specified by the Image property.


function Size(var Width, Height, SymbolWidth, SymbolHeight: Integer): Boolean; virtual;


The method returns the width and height of the barcode symbol that's represented in the TImage, TQRImage, or TQRGzImage control specified by the Image property, in pixels. If the quiet zones are represented (please read the ShowQuietZone property about whether or not the quiet zones will be represented), they are included in the barcode symbol.


For the TBarcode2D_CCA, TBarcode2D_CCB, and TBarcode2D_CCC 2D components, if the Linear property is set to one of TBarcode1D_UPCA, TBarcode1D_UPCE, TBarcode1D_UPCE0, TBarcode1D_UPCE1, TBarcode1D_EAN8, TBarcode1D_EAN13, and TBarcode1D_EAN128 components, and the Image property is not set, the human readable text of linear component will not be consulted.
