Property: Stretch

Specifies whether to reduce/stretch the barcode symbol to specified size.


property Stretch: Boolean;


The property specifies whether to reduce/stretch the barcode symbol to fit the size specified by BarcodeWidth and BarcodeHeight properties. The barcode symbol together with its quiet zones (if they are represented) will be reduced/stretched if the property is set to true. You can use the LeadingQuietZone, TrailingQuietZone, TopQuietZone, and BottomQuietZone properties to specify the size of these quiet zones in modules. And use the ShowQuietZone property to specify whether to represent these quiet zones.

For the 2D component TBarcode2D_CCA, TBarcode2D_CCB, or TBarcode2D_CCC, if its Linear property is set, the 2D symbol and the linear symbol are assembled to generate an EAN.UCC composite barcode symbol, and they will be reduced/stretched as an entirety.
