Property: HorizontalAlignment

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the logo picture in a barcode symbol.



{ Defined in the pLogo2D unit }

THorizontalAlignment = (haLeft, haMiddle, haRight);

property HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalAlignment default haMiddle;


Specifies the horizontal alignment of the logo picture in a barcode symbol. It can be one of the following values (defined in the pLogo2D unit):


The paddings is included in the logo picture if the Padding property is set to 1 or more. See diagram:

HorizontalAlignment and HorizontalMargin property

If the Orientation property of TBarcode2D is set to "boRightLeft", "boTopBottom" or "boBottomTop", the logo picture will be rotated too, and the property specifies the horizontal alignment of the logo picture before rotating. See diagram:

HorizontalAlignment and HorizontalMargin property
