Property: TotalHeight

(TBarcodeFmx2D_RSS14, TBarcodeFmx2D_RSSLimited)

Specifies the total height for an RSS-14 or an RSS Limited symbol, in modules.


property TotalHeight: Integer;


The property specifies the total height for an RSS-14 or an RSS Limited symbol, in modules.

For all styles of RSS-14 symbol, and RSS Limited symbol, if both the Link2D and Show2DSeparator properties are set to Ture, a contiguous separator pattern is drawn and its minimum height is 1 module (the pattern height can be specified by the SeparatorRowHeight property). The height of contiguous separator pattern is included in the value of TotalHeight property.

For the RSS-14 Stacked and RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional symbols, the height of separator pattern between symbol rows (specified by the SeparatorRowHeight property) is included.

The property is set using the following formula:

See also the "Symbol size" and "Composite symbol" sections in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_RSS14" and "TBarcodeFmx2D_RSSLimited" articles.
