DwinsHs_AppendRemoteFile procedure

Adds a remote file to the DwinsHs_DwonloadsList download queue, the file will be downloaded when the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure is executed (the Setup wizard moves to the pre-defined downloading wizard page). You can use the DwinsHs_AppendMirrorFile procedure to add one mirror source, or add multile mirror sources for the remote file in the BeforeDownlaod callback function of the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure.

You should use the procedure in the BeforeDownload callback function specified by the BeforeDownload parameter of the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure.

For a remote file which added using the procedure, you need to install it by yourself using the Pascal script in the "[Code]" section, such as moving or extracting (if it is an archive) it to the application's folder, except the file was downloaded into the application's folder directly. You can do this in the AfterDownload callback procedure of the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure, or the CurStepChanged event procedure.


  TReadMethod = (rmGet, rmPost, rmActive, rmPassive);
#ifdef UNICODE // For UNICODE Inno Setup
procedure DwinsHs_AppendRemoteFile(Filename: string; URL, Agent: AnsiString;
  Method: TReadMethod; FileSize: Int64);
#else // For ANSI Inno Setup
procedure DwinsHs_AppendRemoteFile(Filename: string; URL, Agent: AnsiString;
  Method: TReadMethod; FileSize: LongInt);



The procedure is avaliable only when the DwinsHs_Use_Predefined_Downloading_WizardPage marco is defined.