DwinsHs_DownloadsList variable

The global variable saves all download items which were added using the DwinsHs_AppendRemoteFile procedure or DwinsHs_Check function. These download items will be downloaded when the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure is executed (the Setup wizard moves to the pre-defined downloading wizard page).


  TReadMethod = (rmGet, rmPost, rmActive, rmPassive);
  TDownloadItem = record
    Filename: string;
    URL: AnsiString;
    Agent: AnsiString;
    Method: TReadMethod;
    #ifdef UNICODE// For UNICODE Inno Setup
    FileSize: Int64;
    RealSize: Int64;
    #else// For ANSI Inno Setup
    FileSize: LongInt;
    RealSize: LongInt;
    Required: Boolean;
    Downloaded: Boolean;
  DwinsHs_DownloadsList: array of TDownloadItem;

You can change value of the global variable in the BeforeDownload callback function specified by the BeforeDownload parameter of the DwinsHs_CurPageChanged procedure.

"TDownloadItem" fields:

The global variable DwinsHs_DownloadsList is a dynamic array, every array element is a TDownloadItem record, it contains the following fields:


The variable is avaliable only when the DwinsHs_Use_Predefined_Downloading_WizardPage marco is defined.