Property: RowSymbols


Specifies the number of symbol segments in each row for an RSS Expanded Stacked symbol.


property RowSymbols: Integer;


The property specifies the number of symbol segments in each row for an RSS Expanded Stacked symbol (the Style property is set to rsStacked). It's an integer between 2 and 20 (including the boundaries, only even values are valid), the barcode symbol will be stacked in two to eleven rows based on the total numbers of symbol segments and the number of symbol segments in each row.

If the RSS Expanded Stacked symbol is used together with a 4-column CC-A or a 4-column CC-B barcode symbol to create the EAN.UCC composite symbol, the RSS Expanded Stacked symbol shall contain at least four symbol characters within its top row. In other words, the value of RowSymbols property should be greater than or equal to 4.

See also the "Symbol size" section in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_RSSExpanded" article.
